Gem Glossary
Organized by: Gemstone - Dominant Quality - Applied Uses - Characteristics - Target Chakras
Amazonite - Multidimensional Balancing - Balance, Calming - Soothes fears and worries, Dispels negative energy, Assimilate duality, Rejuvenates throat and heart chakras, Aligns physical, ether and astral bodies, Balances energy on multiple levels - Throat, Heart
Amethyst - Transformation - Energetic protection, Balance, Soothing - Metamorphosis, transmute low energies to high energies, Balances intellect, emotion, and physical body, Stability, Strength, Invigoration, Activates crown chakra, Calm and peaceful energy, Insight, Energetic protection - Crown
Aquamarine - Consciousness - Self- Awareness, Enlightenment - Courage, Assimilating knowledge, stimulates intellect, chakra alignment, Higher-self connection, Self-awareness - Throat
Aventurine - Self-Empowerment - Love, Balance, Protection - Protects heart chakra energy from being used by another, Enhances creativity, Reinforces personal power and autonomy - Heart
Carnelian - Emotional - Love, Emotional Insight - Perception, Inspiration and connection, Emotional protection from fear, envy, rage, and sorrow, Emotional self-awareness, promotes familial love, cleanses other stones - Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart
Citrine - Clarity, Cleansing - Wealth, Clarity, Removes negative energy - Dissipates and transmutes negative energy, Produce wealth, Aligns chakras to ether, Balances duality, Intuition, Illuminates root chakra, Clarification, Problem solving - Sacral, Solar Plexus
Emerald - Harmony - Relationships, Centering, Calming - Facilitates successful love (harmonious relationships), enhances memory, Harmony, Eliminate negativity, Remain centered, Illuminate blind spots (self-awareness) - Heart
Flourite - Harmony - Mental fortitude, Balance, Stable growth - Stability, Order to chaos, Objectivity, Boosts concentration, Harmony to oneself in all aspects, see truth behind illusion
Fuchsite - Energy, Healing - Stress-relief, Healing, Clarity - See problems and solutions in the physical world, Helps align info on remedies, Bounce back after tense situations, Transfers energy between minerals, Increased energy transfers for healing
Garnet - Emotional - Self-Love, Personal freedom, Balance, Stability - Expansion of manifestation and awareness, Personal freedom, Self-awareness, Self-love, warm love from others, Moves Kundalini energy, Balanced energy field, Calming stability, Order to chaos - Root to Crown
Hematite - Balance - Happiness, Mental fortitude, Balance - Mental attunement, Memory enhancement, Original thinking, realization of self-imposed limitations, calms atmosphere, dispels heat in physical body, Equilibrium between etheric and physical nervous system, Balance between energy and emotions (mind, body, spirit), converts negativity to positivity, emotional clarity, inner happiness, attract kind love
Herkimer Diamond - Consciousness - Calming, Elevating, Illumination - Oneness awareness, Harmony between awareness and spontaneity, Self-awareness (illuminates shadow self and blind spots), Enhances psychic abilities, Protects from radiation
Hypersthene - Clarity - Self-Love, Opportunity, Clarity - Solutions come more quickly, moral fortitude, combats irritability and critical-ness, Enhances clairaudience, Self-respect, opens desired opportunities
Iolite - Astral Travel - Wealth, Astral Travel, Spiritual Growth - Astral Travel, Spiritual Growth, Strengthen and align aura field, Inner harmony, Brings one in the moment, Helps with direction and purpose of astral travel, helps one to alleviate their debts - Third Eye, Crown
Jade - Inner Strength - Purpose, Self-Awareness, Fulfillment of Dreams - Helps the realization of one's potential and purpose, Dream memory and insight, facilitates the ability to bring dreams to fruition, awareness of self imposed limitation, Ambition, Wisdom, Self- reliance, sufficiency, care
Kunzite - Raise Vibration - Protection, Elevation, Self-Love - Loving thoughts and communication, Remove obstacles from one's path, Dissolves negativity and raises vibration, Energetic shield, Good for a deeper mediation, Enhances sensuality and sensitivity - Heart
Kyanite - Alignment - Balance, Harmony, Psychic Ability - Aligns all chakras, aligns nonphysical and physical bodies, Meditation, Tranquility, Calming, Communication, Psychic awareness, Motivation and perseverance, Dispels confusion, Intuition, Compassion - Throat, Third Eye
Labradorite - Consciousness - Destiny, Self-awareness, ET energy - Helps one find and understand their destiny, Brings in galactic energies, Transforms intuition into conscious thought, Strength and perseverance, Self-awareness, self-acceptance, higher wisdom
Lapis Lazuli - Insight - Protection, Clarity, Throat chakra healing - Higher wisdom, Expand awareness and intellectual capacity, Objectivity, Clarity, Beneficial self dialogue, Insight into dreams, Emotional clarity, Cheer, Physical and psychic protection - Throat, brow
Lepidolite - Emotional - Astral Travel, Self-Love, Calming - Stress reduction, eases changes into smooth transitions, increases the opportunity for change, Astral travel, Self- Love, Openness, Calming - Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Moonstone - Emotional, Perspective - Protection, Spirituality, Calming - Balancing, Helps one see the best in change, Understanding one's destiny, Galactic energies, Insight, Perception, Intuition, Alleviate emotional tension, Cleanses chakras, Maintain confidence and composure, Protection in travel, Tenderness, Calmness, Rejuvenation
Moldavite - ET Energy - ET energy, Multidimensional Experience, Consciousness, Clarity - For direct, interdimensional accessing of galactic energies, Preparation for elevation and illumination, Carries one beyond the mirage of life, Provides the image of eternity, Interdimenisal interconnectedness, Expands scope and magnitude of vibrational spectrums, One will see more clearly and with a more expanded view, Will provide inter-connection with the multi-dimensions one has yet to experience - Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Muscovite - Self-Love - Clarity, Confidence, Calming - Disperse insecurity, Lessen self-doubt, Quick thinking, Intuition, Higher-self awareness - Heart
Obsidian - Protection - Reflects one's blind spots and provides clarity to overcome them, Enhances visions of inner-self, Grounding, Stabilizes energies inward and outward, Protection from physical and emotional harm, Shield from negativity internally and externally, provides clarity for healing
Green Opal - Personal Power - Relaxation, Physical cleansing, Personal Power - Reminds one they are in command of their life, Facilitates healthful dieting and body cleansing, Relaxed state, Aids problem-solving, Maintain awareness of surroundings, comprehension, and proper positive action
Pearl - Purity - Purifing, Quietfulness - Faith, charity, innocence, personal integrity, focus in attention, Purity in body and mind for state of wisdom, Guidance, Provides quiet within self
Peridot - Balance, Healing - Protection, Balance, Healing - Warm friendly energy, Helps one understand changes, self-awareness of detrimental patterns, helps one regulate the cycles of their life (mental, physical, emotional, energetic) creates shield of protection only after one has balanced their bodies and aligned their chakras, Heals bruised ego, aids the seeking and recovering of lost objects - Heart, Solar Plexus
Pyrite - Protection - Protection, Discernment, Positivity - Defending energy, preventative for negativity, protective, shielding aspect for physical, etheric, and emotional, Keeps out negative vibrations, see through facades, discernment, connection to universal energies
Rodonite - Emotional - Self-Love, More Love, Calming - Help one attain calm assurance, Balance duality, Helps achieve greatest potential, Helps heart chakra access unconditional love, Dispels anxiety - Heart
Ruby - Dreams - Wealth, Dreams, Changes - Realize ultimate values, Loving emotional side, Rise above martyrdom, Economic stability, Protect against bad dreams, Intense and vivid energy, Lucidity to dreams, Light darkness of one's life, Change one's world - Heart
Rutilated Quartz - Astral Travel - Astral Travel, Self-awareness, ET energy - Self-awareness of problems, Insight for astral travels, provides communication from those from other galaxies
Sapphire - Emotional - Joy, Calming, Aspiration - Bring joy and peace via opening the mind, Lightness with depth, Fulfilling dreams and desires, Eliminating frustration, Focus and radiate energy
Smoky Quartz - Psychic - Wealth, Psychic Abilities, ET energy - Physical awareness from other realms, Enhance psychic abilities, Attune third eye, Grounding, Remove obstacles, Increase profits
Black Spinel - Grounding - Grounding, Protection, Balance - Grounding of one's energy for balance, Insight for problems in physical world, Stamina for follow through, Protective energy with grounding to the Earth
Sunstone - Cleansing - Courage, Independence, Sun Energy - Used to both clear and energize chakras, feeling of being cleansed, Dissipate fearfulness, alleviate stress, and increase vitality, Encourage independence and provide luck with fortune
Tanzanite - Personal Power - Clarity, Self-awareness, Protection - Protection and safety in all situations, Symmetry of personal power and actualization, Revelations of a creator being, See self-limiting beliefs - Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Tiger Eye - Discipline - Discipline, Clarity, Self-Love - Best for "earthy" people, Psychic Ability, Clarity with scattered details, Discipline in sexual and emotional life, Bring light to practical solutions, Promotes intuitive impressions, Solar Plexus based, Balances duality, Connectedness, Bring awareness to needs of self and others, Soothing, Calmness - Solar Plexus
Black Tourmaline - Protection - Protection, Grounding, Love - Repel and protect from negativity, Energy deflector, Physical vitality, Emotional stability, Intellectual acuity, Creativity, Altruism, Grounds root chakra to the Earth
Pink Tourmaline - Love - Enlightenment, Trust, Love - Creativity with the new, Synthesis of love and spirituality, Promotes joy and peace, Aids changes made to move towards enlightenment, Trusting in the power of love, Joy and enthusiasm, Trust and awareness, Release destructive tendencies
Turquoise - Healing - Astral Travel, Healing, Protection, Wisdom, Strength - Energy of cosmos with Earth's consciousness, Strengthens and aligns chakras, Elevates chakras, Communication to emotional issues, creativity, and intuition, Healing and cleansing energy centers, Strength and protection for astral travel and vision quests, Healer of the spirit, Grounding, maintain conscious mind during deep meditations, Bring valor and protection on the soul level, Soothing energy, Peace of mind, Balance male and female energies, Induce wisdom and understanding, Enhance trust and kindness, Master healer
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